Bentley LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse Help

iTwin Integration

LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse has the capability to expand the work experience with iModel.

There are two extensions fro iTwin.
  1. Open Hub iTwin
  2. Open Local iTwin

Open Hub iTwin

1. Route to the iTwin server

2. Add credential to open iTwin server

3. Select any project from the server by drop-down the list.

4. Open iModel by click on the 'Open' Menu.

After opening the iModel, lumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse asks to convert the iModel by category. Up to 2 Levels of model spilt can be done here.

There are 4 types of split order available to split the model.

  • Animation: It is used at the time of importing iModel with SYNCHRO Animation.
  • Category:iTwincategories or CAD levels/layers.
  • Element: Relates to the iTwin object name.
  • Material: iTwin Materials.

Open Local iTwin

Open iModel from local hub. Browse to the folder where local iModel is saved and open directly into LumenRT for Omniverse.